Hurricane Preparedness Week 2022

South Florida is one of the most beautiful, serene places to live, but with that comes hurricanes and tropical storms. Being prepared for one of these catastrophes is one of the most important things you can do.  We have laid out steps you can take to make sure your family and assets are well protected in case of an impending storm.

1. Determine your risk. 

Find out today what types of wind and water hazards could happen where you live, and then start preparing how to handle them. Hurricanes are not just a coastal problem. Impacts from these storms can be felt hundreds of miles inland. Do you live in an area prone to flooding? If so, do you have the proper insurance coverages to  protect your assets? A standard homeowners insurance policy does not cover rising water due to a storm. We can help you determine if it would be necessary for you to add a flood insurance policy to your coverages. 

2. Develop an evacuation plan.

Do you live in an evacuation zone? Are you in a flood prone area? Come up with a plan now that way it is one less thing to worry about in case a mandatory evacuation does occur. Your safe place can be a friends or relative's home close by. It does not need to be out of state. Don’t forget to account for your fur babies when determining your plan!

3. Assemble disaster supplies. 

Whether you are evacuating or sheltering in place, it is important to assemble a hurricane supply not only for the duration of the storm but also for the unfortunate aftermath that may occur. Realistically, you should have enough food, water, and medicine to last each member of your household 3 days. If possible, water for longer. FEMA has a great supply checklist if you do not know where to start. 

4. Get an insurance checkup.

This is where The Milner Insurance Group comes in to help you prepare! Call your agent and ask if you are well covered in case of an impending storm. Remember, it is important to do this now as insurance companies put moratoriums in place if a storm is on its way. Do it before it’s too late! Remember, home and renters insurance policies do not cover flooding. You need a separate policy for that and there is always a 30 day wait period! Always keep insurance documents accessible. 

5. Strengthen your home.

Before a storm you should at least cover windows, trim trees, secure loose and outdoor items, secure all doors, and move vehicles to a safe location. If you are a renter, call your  landlord now to discuss how these matters will be taken care of. 

6. Help your neighbor.

Do you have neighbors close by? Help them prepare for the storm and make sure to have their telephone numbers so you can check in on them during and after a storm. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your South Florida homeowners insurance policy, call The Milner Insurance Group today. The time is now to prepare for a storm. Come up with a plan and #protectwhatmatters. 


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